Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Grammy's Girls

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice...
I got to meet little Miss "G" for the first time, and I almost cried when I saw how much her cousins had grown!  I remember when they were all just 6 month old!


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Small Business Saturday SALE!

This November 26 is the second annual Small Business Saturday®, when people across the country come out and shop to support their favorite local businesses.

At Diana Hallford Photography, we are offering a special on Gift Certificates:

When you purchase a gift certificate, we'll send an extra one for you!
Give  Get
$25  $5
  $50  $10
$100  $25

No need to go out and fight the crowds - ORDER ONLINE!
You may also order by email.

Special offer based on the total amount purchased, even if ordered in multiple denominations. Your extra gift certificate will not display in your cart, but will be mailed with your order. Orders must be received by midnight Saturday to qualify.

May your Thanksgiving be blessed!

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Miracle in the Making

I just love it when my wedding couples come back and tell me they're expecting!  It's so exciting to watch a family grow.  I can't wait to meet their little baby boy, Avery!


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Snips & Snails & Puppy Dog Tails...

I just love playtime at the park...especially with such a fun little dude!  He was a bit cold, but such a good sport.  If you want to stay this age forever, that's just fine with me, Mr. "J"!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are sneaking up on us again!   Join me for a "Winter Mini-Session Special" - your last chance to get pictures by Christmas.   There are also some special savings available now through December 5th on Holiday Cards, Jewelry, and Digital Files.  Contact me for details!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Savanna 2012 - SNEAK PEEK!

I had so much fun with Savanna...I totally lost track of time!  We shot some at her house, then headed over to the Blue Springs Dog Park with her cute puppy, Finnigan (awesome name, right?!).  Thanks for letting me play, Savanna!
